Our Services

Optimize payments with our expert Payment Consulting services. From seamless Payment Gateway Integration to Fraud Prevention, we ensure secure, seamless and cost efficient transactions. Trust us for tailored payment solutions, guiding you through the complexities of the payment landscape.

Request for Proposal

Running RFPs

Are you seeking the best payment solution for your business? Let us handle the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, ensuring that you receive tailored proposals from payment service providers. Trust us to streamline the vendor selection journey and find the perfect match for your merchant service needs

Credit Card

Selecting Payment Service Providers

Make informed decisions with our expert assistance in choosing the right Payment Service Provider for your business. We meticulously analyze your requirements, assess provider capabilities, and guide you towards selecting a reliable partner. Elevate your payment processing efficiency with a provider that suits your unique needs

Payment Project

Leading Payment Projects

Navigate the complexities of payment projects with our experienced team at the helm. From inception to completion, we lead and manage payment initiatives, ensuring timely delivery, cost-effectiveness, and a hassle-free implementation process. Trust us to bring your payment projects to successful fruition

Merchants Payment Landscape

Designing Merchant Payment's Landscape and Processes

Optimize your payment infrastructure with our expertise in designing merchant payment landscapes and streamlined processes. We tailor solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and provide a seamless experience for both merchants and customers

Settlement and Consultation

Reviewing and Assessing Payment Systems and Organizations

Stay ahead in the dynamic payment landscape by letting us review and assess your current and future payment systems and organizational structures. Our insights help identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, ensuring your payment setup aligns with industry best practices

Payment Service Provider

Architecting PSP Integrations

Seamlessly integrate Payment Service Providers into your system with our expert integration and architecture services. We specialize in creating robust, scalable, and secure integrations, ensuring a smooth flow of transactions while maximizing the capabilities of PSPs like Adyen, Stripe, and PayPal


Designing Automated Financial Settlement and Reconciliation

Enhance financial control and accuracy by entrusting us to design automated settlement and reconciliation processes. Our solutions streamline financial operations, minimize errors, and provide real-time insights, allowing you to focus on your core business while ensuring financial integrity

PSP Systems

Operating Major PSP Systems Like Adyen, Stripe and PayPal

Harness the full potential of major Payment Service Providers such as Adyen, Stripe, and PayPal with our operational expertise. Let us manage and optimize your interactions with these systems, ensuring you leverage their features to the fullest and stay at the forefront of payment technology


More than a decade of
experience offering
services to SME and
enterprise merchants

Check Mark
Deep knowledge in the merchant's commercial and functional requirements.
Check Mark
Hands-on experience in integrating, configuring and operating payment providers for merchants.
Check Mark
Close relationship with a variety of merchants, payment providers and payment consulting firms serving many industries.
Three Dots

About Us

Welcome to Elie Joseph’s Payment Consulting, your trusted partner in optimizing digital payments. As a payment consulting firm, we specialize in guiding merchants through the meticulous process of selecting and implementing payment service providers.  We offer personalized solutions tailored to the unique needs of businesses, ensuring a seamless and secure payment experience.

Our comprehensive services cover everything from in-depth assessments and provider evaluations to hands-on support during implementation. At our firm, we are committed to staying ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes, empowering our clients to thrive in the dynamic digital payment landscape. Partner with us to build a robust payment infrastructure that not only meets current needs but also sets the stage for future success.

Companies We Have Worked With

Latest Blogs


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services and get a 30-min free phone consultation

payment consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Pellentesque facilisis sodales. Vivamus elit sed dui. Vestibulum ligula. Aliquam erat velit nulla mi, nec nunc justo, at ipsum. Curabitur quis pellentesque adipiscing wisi. Proin id tortor fringilla mollis. Cras vitae ornare dapibus.

Aenean ligula. Eleifend pede bibendum eget, facilisis risus. Nullam ut eros sed nunc vel metus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam volutpat odio nonummy dui dui, in faucibus sit amet pede. Etiam eu mauris nec sem ut lacus magna, tincidunt consequat, augue quis neque ante nec est.

Aliquam nulla. Pede turpis metus ac nunc ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Donec sollicitudin leo ac turpis vulputate molestie. Phasellus ornare ac, tempus enim id nulla pulvinar turpis. Pellentesque mattis sem. Mauris ornare vel, congue arcu iaculis odio, sagittis venenatis. Curabitur nec tellus.

Donec elementum vitae, bibendum mauris consequat mollis vel, ornare ornare. Suscipit adipiscing. Mauris auctor augue ut nunc sem, posuere cubilia Curae, Cras non odio. Donec interdum ipsum dolor tellus, volutpat elit, gravida vitae, pellentesque dolor. Duis vel lorem. Sed ornare bibendum mi.

Nullam at purus. Duis non lacus. Vestibulum mauris sit amet enim. Quisque ultricies neque scelerisque tincidunt. Maecenas eu eros. Nullam laoreet molestie enim. Suspendisse luctus augue a mauris. Fusce venenatis lorem nec odio et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur commodo. Nam laoreet a, hendrerit ultricies. Donec urna ut lacus. Aenean ut lacus vestibulum volutpat, velit non nunc hendrerit sed, nunc. Nulla sed lorem sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing ac, vestibulum volutpat, erat volutpat. Praesent sollicitudin, odio leo, in dui dui, porta eu, tellus. Cras ornare. Nam nunc ut aliquet eu, luctus nisl. Nam placerat velit suscipit pede rhoncus vel, purus.

Ornare risus. Nam consectetuer elit. Nam eu mauris. Ut sagittis leo, aliquet molestie. Vivamus euismod. Ut wisi quis tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per inceptos hymenaeos. Curabitur quis velit. Mauris vel risus. Sed sagittis leo, cursus ut, lobortis elit. Curabitur elit. Nam quis turpis mauris viverra auctor, tempor nisl neque ultrices tortor mauris, consequat porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu

Ut orci luctus mauris pulvinar vitae, nibh. Fusce vel odio. Morbi accumsan cursus tristique, sollicitudin justo. Nulla eleifend velit. Suspendisse molestie. Donec nulla eu felis. Nulla ligula nunc, fringilla massa nisl, eu ligula bibendum id, adipiscing metus. Nam tempor lorem.

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